Our Vision - Sharing the Good News of God's redemptive love in Jesus Christ and discipling all those who respond.
(Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8)
BackgroundThe mass migration of Burmese people to the United States can be traced back to the mid sixties when the country was run under the Socialist governing system. Among those who migrated to the United States were many Burmese Christians. At first, these Christians attended different churches in the great Los Angeles Area. But as they came into contact with one another and the great vision of Rev. Henry Ang at the same time, they felt a strong need for a separate Burmese speaking church. A Brief History of the Burmese Christian FellowshipThe first Burmese speaking church in Southern CaliforniaBefore sharing the history of B.C.F., Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior is the founder of this church. The rest are co-founders only because the scripture says in Psalm 127:1, “Unless the Lord builds the house, they Labor in vain who build it; Unless the Lord guards the city, the watch man keeps awake in vain.” Therefore, unless the Lord founded this church, we all who founded it labor in vain. br> br>After six years of radio broadcast in the Philippines the Lord let Rev. Henry Ang felt in his heart the hunger and the thirst of worshiping together with Burmese Christians. When he met Ko Shwe Myint he told him that it would be very good to get all Burmese Christians together and worship the Lord in once accord. Therefore, Rev. Henry Ang was introduced to Ko Shwe Myint’s sister-in-law, Daw Haven Bate, on the New Year’s Day of 1976. They invited her to religious meetings and retreats. They shared their religious experiences with each other. br> br> br>One day the Holy Spirit struck her to feel the same way as Rev. Henry Ang felt. So Daw Haven Bate got in touch with Alan Cho, who managed to get a place of worship at the First Baptist Church of Alhambra. They mailed out 30 invitations and had the very first service on January 29, 1977. Seventeen people attended the very first service and they were Daw Haven Bate, Alan Cho, Irene and Lawrence Chwa, Ludee and David Nyo Dun with their three children, and beloved missionaries Miss Laughlin, Miss Wiatt, Miss Thayer, Miss Beebe, Miss Price and Miss Shivers, and of course Joy and Rev. Henry Ang. br> br> br>The early B.C.F. monthly services were resumed at the homes of those who extended their hospitality. Each time the participants grew. br> br>In response to increased numbers in Burmese Christian community, the church continuously plans and implements many ministries to meet the Great Commission. Below are the significant timelines and the events of the church. br>
Thank God for His faithful hands who has guided us and helped us throughout these years. May God bless all of you who participated in the building of His Church. May our Good Lord continue to lead and guide our church through all the years to come.